Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nothing Left

My friend Susan Briggs posted this on Facebook yesterday, and it really struck me. I need to read it everyday, I think . . .

Taken from Deeper Walk: God of the Desert, God of Greatness by Jason Johns

"Because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews 10:14)

There is nothing left to do.

I like the sound of that. My life is a maze of tasks and deadlines. Projects for work here, papers and tests for school there. There is grass to be mowed, a friend to see, family to care for. At the end of the day, I am exhausted, and yet I fall asleep thinking of things that I have to do tomorrow.

Hanging on the cross, Jesus did all that needed to be done. He finished the work of salvation once and for all. He has made us perfect. We are complete. We are whole.

There is nothing left to do.

Such an idea counters our western philosophy of accomplishment. Who are we without tasks to keep us occupied? Many Christians are tireless in their efforts for God, motivated both by an authentic desire to draw closer to Him and out of fear that God is never satisfied.

But it is finished. There is no sacrifice left for us to bring. Our efforts are not the issue. We are whole in Christ. Can we rest in His love?

There is nothing left to do.

Resting in Him is not a license to ignore the needs of others, to grow lazy, to shun the calling of God on our life. It is an invitation from a loving God to 'seek first the Kingdom of God.' We can rest and step into His Kingdom.

There is nothing left to do.

*Consider Psalm 4:8 and Matthew 11:28-29. This week, take a look at your motivation for the way you live your life. Remembering that His sacrifice has made you complete, take an inventory of your days to discover where it is you are attempting to gain favor by your activity. Claim His promise of rest.

Jesus, thank You that there is nothing left for me to do. I want to rest in You. Teach me what it is to rest.

1 comment:

laurie said...

Yes, rest - a gift and a challenge. It's also hard to really believe and accept that we don't have to do anything to earn God's love.