Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Moms, you will love this book by Wendy Hagen! This young mother of three will keep you laughing and nodding your head in agreement as you compare her crazy, messy stories of motherhood with your own. Truly, only other moms can appreciate(?) this stage of life that is just as full of joys as it is bodily fluids.

Reading Wendy's book is like reading a long e-mail from one of your best girlfriends. She spills out all the frustrations of mothering babies and toddlers with both humor and grace (both of which moms REALLY need!). But Wendy also brings encouragement and wisdom to the matter, giving practical tips on how to take care of yourself and your marriage during this hectic time of life.

Totally Desperate Mom is a quick, easy read (very important for busy moms, who may only have time to read while in the bathroom or while cooking dinner)--one that will hold your attention and make you smile. You'll appreciate this realistic approach to what life is really like in "the motherhood." Moms, do yourself a favor and pick up this book. And if you know a mom-to-be, give her a copy of it, too, because she'll want to know she's not alone when she's in the midst of "the Black Hole"! Now you're curious, aren't you?

And here's the really fun news: Wendy and I will be giving away a copy of Totally Desperate Mom next week on Stuff Mamas Like! So keep checking in to find out how to win it!

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