Things I Love and Admire About My Children
- Her drive and determination
- Her insatiable hunger for reading
- Her talent in writing
- Her creativity
- Her leadership
- Her love of putting on programs
- Her confidence and lack of inhibition
- Her talent in composing music
- Her compassionate spirit
- Her attention to detail
- Her big-sisterliness
- Her sense of justice but also mercy
- Her desire to try new things
- Her sense of adventure
- Her honey-colored hair
- Her blue-gray eyes that always look pensive
- The way you can always see the wheels turning in her head
- Her thankfulness and appreciation
- Her giving and sacrificial heart
- Her task-orientedness
- His kindness
- His helpfulness
- His desire to please
- His love for his family
- His generosity
- The way he gets excited for his sisters and cheers them on
- His playfulness
- His creativity
- His ingenuity
- His desire to protect his family
- His smile that makes his eyes disappear into half moons
- The way he tells a story--his animation
- The pride he takes in a job well done
- His encouragement
- The way he dances with absolutely no inhibition
- His amazingly messy and curly hair
- His love of life
- The joy he both gives and receives when playing with babies and toddlers
- His friendliness
- His servant spirit
- Her giggle
- Her hugs and kisses
- Her love of affection--her snuggliness
- Her concentration when she's working a puzzle
- Her enthusiasm
- Her humor
- The way she makes me laugh
- The way she takes care of babies
- Her thoughtfulness
- Her non-conformity
- Her love of life
- The way she handles her dietary restrictions with such a positive attitude
- Her blond curls
- Her big blue eyes
- Her ability to make some really crazy faces
- Her giving spirit
- Her inhibition
- The way people are drawn to her
- Her incredible whistling ability
- The way she savors food she enjoys (especially chocolate) and hums while eating it
gosh i love these precious kids!!
These all made me smile, knowing how true they are! I LOVE my nieces and nephew!!! Amazing kids!
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